Türkiye, 6 Şubat 2023’te Kahramanmaraş merkezli meydana gelen ve 11 ili etkileyen büyük depremin yıldönümünde hayatını kaybedenleri anıyor. على الرغم من مرور عام منذ الكارثة ، إلا أن الألم لا يزال جديدًا.
Turkey, on February 6, 2023 “Century of the century”, which was described as the Kahramanmaraş -based 11 provinces affecting 7.7 and 7.6 earthquakes were shaken by earthquakes. Malatya and Elazığ’ı 53 thousand 537 people were killed in the disaster of the القرن ، أصيب 107 ألف 213 شخص.